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Orgy Covers New Order's "Blue Monday," Hopes Everyone Forgot They Already Did

SAN FRANCISCO, CA—Seminal late '90s, Hot Topic meets Nu-Metal band Orgy has released a new single this week: another cover of New Order's classic "Blue Monday."

Orgy is best known for its first cover of New Order's "Blue Monday" in 1998. The song and music video gained heavy air play on both MTV and terrestrial radio, which lead to their debut album "Candyass" selling over two million copies. Since then, the band has been unable to top or recreate that original success. They finally made headlines again in 2013, this time for failing to reach their album's crowdfunding goal by $91,000.

When asked for comment, lead singer/songwriter, and only original member of Orgy, Jay Gordon stated, "I honestly don't know what you're talking about. That never happened. Why are you asking me about shit from 20 years ago anyway? I'm 32; how could I have a band when I was 8-years-old?"

But a moment later, "Look man, off the record," confessed Gordon without waiting for us to agree that this would be kept off the record, "I know we already covered this song. This isn't even a new recording. It's the same one. All I know is it's the only God damn thing that ever made me any money, and I burned through that a long time ago. I also know that if I don't show up in Malibu this summer with a jet ski, all of my boys and that hot, young trim are going to think I'm an asshole. Gordon went on to say, "Look man we tried crowdfunding... touring... do you have any idea how much fucking glitter eye shadow I own? I am 50-fucking-years-old, man, and I wear vinyl pants every fucking day. So I'm gonna catch motherfucking lightning in a bottle again and get me a Yamaha VX1050A-RB in red."

When asked for comment, former Orgy and current Julien-K members Amir Derakh and Ryan Shuck said, “No comment,” after several minutes of uninterrupted laughter.


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